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Safety and Health Policies

The children are under direct supervision at all times. Fighting is not allowed. Running and throwing objects is not allowed. All sharp objects are stored out of reach of the children. Such objects as scissors are used only under direct supervision. The classroom equipment is continually checked for stability, smoothness, and safe corners. Outside play is always supervised.

Any time the children leave their classroom as a group, they are required to walk in an orderly fashion and are accompanied by the staff. Parents are required to bring their children into the building, and pick them up inside each day. No child is to go out to a car alone.

​​Pick up and delivery of children:

​Early drop off and late pick up leaves the teacher without adequate time to prepare the classroom for each session, so it is requested that you do not bring your child before the mentioned arrival times. We request your promptness at dismissal time. We understand that there may be instances when you are "running" late. However, please be aware that persistant tardiness will result in a late "pick-up" fee of $5 for each 10 minutes.

Please let us know if anyone other then the regular person is going to pick up your child. We request this in order to ensure the safety of your child. Picture ID may be required to release your child.

​For safety's sake, the children must never be left without direct transfer to an adult; therefore children must always be brought directly to the classroom. To facilitate a safe and orderly dismissal, parents must return to the classroom to pick up their children. The teacher will dismiss the child at the door to the appropriate person, one at a time.

Please remember that our school is held in the church. We ask that you keep the children from running around, and keep their voices down while waiting in the hallway.  We ask that you respect the handicap parking.

​Each child is required to have a medical/immunization form on file with us. If the child's medical form is not completed within 14 days after school starts, the child will be excluded from the program (Public Health Law #2164).

Illness:  Please keep your child home if they have been sick the night before. Please do not send them to school if they have had a fever, vomit, runny nose, earache, strep throat, diarrhea, pink eye, impetigo, fifth disease, hand/foot/mouth disease, etc, within 24 hours of their illness. Should your child become ill during the day, we will contact you or your emergency person to come and take your child home.

Cleanliness: All children must be toilet trained to be admitted into the program. Children are encouraged and helped in washing their hands. Hand sanitizer, wipes, and tissues are readily available in all classrooms, and we always welcome donations of these items.

We ensure the health of all enrolled children to provide a safe environment for them and us at all times. All current medical records are kept in confidential files, and are not disclosed.

Other Information

Dress: Children are encouraged to wear play clothes and closed toe rubber sole shoes. Daily activities include active and sometimes messy play. The children should feel comfortable enough to enjoy themselves without worrying about their clothes.

​Toys: Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school. Toys can be easily lost or broken. Exception: if your child brings home the show-n-tell bag, then they may bring in one item in the bag that is sent home.

​​Food: Children should have eaten breakfast before they arrive in the morning. Please do not allow your child to bring a sippy cup or their breakfast to school. We provide a simple healthy snack shortly before they go home. If your child has a food allergy, please speak with the Teacher regarding their snack, as you may bring one from home for your child.

​Discipline: We provide a safe and hazard free classroom that are supervised and monitored always. The teachers set the tone by example. We use clear and consistant age appropriate verbal language. We expect acceptable behavior and is encouraged by giving verbal praise. If unacceptable attitude is taking place, the teacher will redirect the child and ask the child to stop and think about his/her unpleasant behavior. This enables the child to work on self-control. For a child not cooperating in a group listening situation,  the child is reminded of acceptable behavior. Occasionally, sitting quietly in a chair for a minute or two may also help the child calm down and remember what behavior the teacher is asking for. If behavior problems persist, the parents will be notified to discuss what may be helpful in motivationg their child to behave in an acceptable way.

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