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Curriculum and Daily Schedule

The curriculum includes sharing and conversation time, stories, songs and fingerplays, creative art activities, games and large muscle activities, exposure to letters, numbers, shapes and colors, and celebration of Birthdays and Holidays.

  • Arrival: This is a friendly, informal time. Each child is greeted by name, and encouraged to hang up his or her coat on their assigned hook. Then, to help encourage name recognition, they will find their name card and place it on our name chart. This creates independence, and increases self-esteem. To decrease seperation anxiety, this is the perfect time to say a quick goodbye.

  • Free Play: As the others are arriving, the children may choose from the various areas of the room, dramatic play, art, math, science, puzzles, and manipulative. Children can express themselves, improve social skills, build vocabulary, and solve problems. Play is just fun!!

  • Clean up: We sing a clean up song, and then everyone works together in cleaning up and putting toys back in their proper place.

  • Circle time: We take attendance, spend time as a group sharing news, discuss the weather and the calender, learn finger plays and the Pledge of Allegiance. Circle activities are designed to stimulate children's thinking, to increase language skills, follow directions, and to become more aware of their world!

  • Story Time:  We read to them a story, corresponding with our theme that day.  We are always working on our listening skills!

  • Music: All classes get together to learn and sing new songs each month. This activity promotes listening skills, following directions, creative expression, and social skills. In music, children can explore sound tempo and rythym.

  • Project: A daily activity is planned. These projects are designed to encourage listening and following directions to work on their fine motor skills.

  • Snack: We offer a simple snack daily and strive for appropriate table manners and quiet chatting with our friends.

  • Gross Activities.Gross Motor: We may choose to play record games, classroom games, or go outside (weather permitting), all working on the development of gross motor skills and listening skills.

Having served the children in our area for almost 60 years, the community is very supportive of our preschool.  We do not take "field trips"

off site, but we do have many wonderful organizations that come to us!  To name a October, the Horseheads Village Fire Department visits with all the classes to teach the children about fire safety. C.I.D.S. (Comprehensive Interdesciplinary Development Services) offer screening tests that evaluate children in the areas of development, hearing, vision, and speech. We have also had visits from a local dentist speak to the children regarding dental hygiene. 

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