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Enrollment is open to the community, and we admit students of any race, religion, color, or ethnic origin. Enrolling your child is easy!

 A registration form must be completed. Please be sure to mention any medical issues or allergies your child may have. A medical form must also be filled out, and signed by a licensed physician.

A $60.00 fee is charged at the time of registration. The fee for an additional child in the family is $30.00 each.

Upon receipt of the registration form and fee, your child will be placed in the class. Classes are filled on a first come first serve basis according to the date of enrollment with the director. Parents of students in our 3-year old classes have priority for the 4-year old program before the public. If the classes are filled, the child's name will be put on a waiting list to fill vacancies as they occur.

3-Year Old Preschool Class

A child must be 3 years old on or before December 1 of that school year to be admitted into the 3 year old class.  There are classes available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday a.m. from 9-11:30. 

​4-Year Old Preschool Class

A child must be 4 years old on or before December 1 of that school year to be admitted into a 4 year old class. 4 year old classes are available on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday a.m. from 9-11:30.


All children MUST be toilet trained in order to be admitted to the preschool.

The registration fees are non-refundable.

Tuition is due the first week of the month. It can be given to any teacher. Payments after the 15th of the month are considered late and are subject to a $15 late fee.

Our yearly budget is based on 9 months tuition, so it's important not to fall behind.If you do have a problem paying at any time, please speak to the director and arrangements can be made.                                                                                    

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